Unlock the potential of your critical earth science data
Cambio is the earth science cloud platform for critical infrastructure.
Designed by engineers, for engineers.
Total length of pipeline and transportation infrastructure in Cambio

Total area of lidar change detection automatically processed in Cambio

Number of geohazard and tailings dam inspections stored in Cambio

Transform your geotechnical data management
Complex and diverse earth science data sources integrated, in context
Powerful, automated insights, monitoring, and alerts
Dashboards for at-a-glance situational awareness
Complex and diverse earth science data sources integrated

Decades of earth science expertise across industries

Improve productivity, site understanding, and conformance with global standards in Tailings Management across the entire mine lifecycle.

Manage geohazards across vast geographies by integrating multiple data sources to drive insights and risk-informed decisions.

Drive geohazard risk assessments and emergency plans for infrastructure to prioritize investments for monitoring and mitigation efforts.

Support communities with data-driven geohazard risk management and emergency readiness.

Ensure the long-term success and stability of renewable energy projects through the strategic use of earth observation and augmented data.